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wine on the keyboard

Mothers Day Fun

by Kay~Kacey on 5/15/2013

We had a small gathering for Mother’s Day this year. Those pesky college finals got in the way of quite a few traveling home for Mother’s Day. We still had a great time.

We had Mother’s Day hugs. (that almost counts as a photo of my sister…)

The lovely Stephanie offered to host the BBQ this year…little does she know she might now be the designated Mother’s Day BBQ giver… I’m very quick to say “not it” these days… Thanks, Steph!!

We gave our Mom the “another photo??” look.

We drank champagne…

We drank beer…

And we told tall tales…probably about his toy John Deere tractor… it is about all he talks about these days… 😉


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, we missed all you kids who couldn’t come to town…and Stephanie, we look forward to having it at your place again next year! 8)

A Day at The Unnamed House

by Kay~Kacey on 5/13/2013

So, we’ve yet to name the new house after 6 months of living in it..We’ve toyed with The Willows…because we planted a bunch of them. Or The Nest…because we used to have The Love Nest…and this just sounds more permanent than Love Nest. But

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, whatever. Still undecided. But…I digressed…here is some of how we spent our time at the new house this weekend.

I was busy with Murphy. You know, photographing him. Looking at how cute he was. I mean, I was BUSY.

Blenheim Cavalier

I found some time to try out different lenses to capture these yellow flowers. I think they are field mustard. Surprisingly hard to capture…

Field Mustard

Some of us just worked on silly stuff like planting trees. I mean really? When there were some cute puppies to play with?? And photos to take?

planting trees

The Allium has just started to bloom. Total surprise because SuperGuy forgot where he planted it last fall…

Allium blooms

Oh, and I was busy capturing the very first sprouts in my very first garden! I mean…that’s important stuff!!! Captured for eternity!

Lettuce sprouting

While some people just lollygagged around planting more trees. (After very helpful advice on placement from his nagging loving wife.)

planting red bud trees

I even managed to find time to almost capture a photo of Princess Maggie. She hates having her photo taken almost as much as my sister does!

black and tan cavalier

So, SuperGuy continued on with his extraneous chores…

planting trees

I just went and poured us some champagne and waited patiently for him to quit his fooling around with silly chores and come join me.

Champagne for Two at SunsetThe Champagne Sunset photo is for Sale on my artist website in my Kitchen Art Gallery. (which is heavy on drinks

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, I know, I know…)

This and That About Life

by Kay~Kacey on 5/10/2013

Just some random thoughts and photos from our days.  Here is my basil plant in the evening sunlight…we’re just waiting for SuperGuy to build the cage over my garden so the deer don’t feast on my plants. Then this little guy will get plopped into the garden.

basil plant

SuperGuy is having a great time mowing the property with his tractor. Probably too much of a good time…he mows a lot…

Mowing the yard

The finches are doing their best to eat all the grass seed we put down in the bare spots…

finches in grass

Then some gratuitous Murphy photos

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, just because… Here he’s giving me his “but aren’t I cute, Mom?” look. Notice he’s covered in twigs and leaves. All male.

male cavalier

Here he is giving me his better side. He’s sure this is his best side and throws it to me often. Love this dog so much…

Cavalier King Charles Dog

Too bad Maggie is so camera shy…she’s a pretty dog too… I’ll try and get some more of her. If she ever lets me…