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wine on the keyboard

The Balancing Act

by Kay~Kacey on 1/11/2014

2014 – The year of the balancing act. So much going on in our lives. We’re going to sell our St. Louis home and move to Columbia full time until SuperGuy retires. Then we are either going to return to St. Louis or move somewhere warm. We are so undecided.

This year

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, I’m going to move to doing more personal projects with my photography, like my The Awakening Series. In other news, I’m going to publish some of the romance novels I’ve written through the years. I’m editing them now, setting them all in the fictional town of Comfort Crossing. I’m hoping to have the first one published by May and two more out by the end of summer. I need to get them revised, and have an editor do their thing with them. Very excited to get back to my writing.

laptop and camera

I’m hoping to shoot the photography for my book covers too. That should be challenging and fun!

So, I’ll be busy, busy this year. Packing up a house I’ve lived in for 30 years. Pitching and giving away a ton of stuff. Moving to Columbia full time. Still driving back to St. Louis often to visit my kids and check on my parents. Then my balancing act of getting my books published and continuing my photography series.

I hope to be much more regular with my blogging too. I enjoy blogging and need to make time for it. Just one more thing on my balancing act this year.

2014 is going to be full of changes-but it’s all very exciting!

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Outer Banks Photography

by Kay~Kacey on 10/14/2013

SuperGuy and I took a fabulous vacation to the Outer Banks of North Carolina in September. Nice time of year to visit the area. Not so crowded, lower prices, and beautiful weather.

We did a lot of relaxing. A lot of it.

Beer at dusk at Duck North Carolina in the Outer Banks
Beer in the Sunset in Duck

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, North Carolina

I was on a mission to photograph all four of the Outer Banks Lighthouses. That’s from one end of the Outer Banks to the other. SuperGuy was mostly agreeable to this. Well, he knows how I am when I’m on a mission to photograph something. This was the Bodie Lighthouse. We had such beautiful weather!

Bodie Island Lighthouse Fine Art Photography

Bodie Island Lighthouse Photograph for Sale

This next photograph was the staircase at Currituck Lighthouse. I stood inside and shot up the stairway. I just loved those lighthouse stairs!
Currituck Lighthouse Stairs Fine Art Photography

Black and White photograph of the Currituck Lighthouse Stairs

Later in the week we took the ferry over to Ocracoke Island. It was so pretty leaving the Hatteras ferry port , even if we did have to wait quite a bit for the ferry…in the middle of the week…in off season. I can’t imagine it on a busy weekend during the height of the season!
hatteras island fine art photography

Hatteras Island Ferry Port

We drove around Ocracoke and finally found the lighthouse. I mean, you can’t see if from very many places, but we finally caught a glance of it and wandered our way over so I could get my Ocracoke lighthouse photo.
ocracke lighthouse outer banks photography

Ocracoke Lighthouse and Light Keepers House – Image for Sale

We also drove along Ocracoke island and popped over the beach in a couple of spots. Here is the boardwalk to Ocracoke Beach.
ocracoke island photography

Boardwalk to Ocracoke Beach

We actually stayed on Hatteras Island in Rodanthe. It was nice there, but much more crowded and busier than when we stayed in Avon. The surfers were everywhere. Like even right in front of the house we rented…and later on when the sun got hot…they moved under out house. Evidently Rodanthe is known for its waves. Not sure we’ll go back to that area again. This is under the Rodanthe pier. That was another of my photography missions. I wanted an under the pier shot. I love the perspective on this one. The crashing waves. The weathered wood. The angles of the wooden supports on the pier.
rodanthe pier photography

Rodanthe Pier – Outer Banks Photography for sale

We had a great time. Relaxed a lot. Read a lot. Took a lot of beach walks. I’m already dreaming of the beach..
beach chairs on beach in outer banks north carolina

Gone for a Walk

Why, yes, we did start and finish our vacation with ice cold beer 😉

My Outer Banks photographs, these and more, are availabe on my Artist Website. I have Photos of all four of the Outer Banks Lighthouse for sale there.

Dancing on the Beach

by Kay~Kacey on 9/20/2013

Had the best time in the Outer Banks on vacation. Now I’m home and sorting through the 1000’s of photos we took. These photos just make me smile. SuperGuy picked up the camera and grabbed some pictures of me dancing on the beach. I love the beach. So relaxing. So fun. So free.

Dancing on the beach in Hatteras

Dancing on the beach in the Outer Banks

Here I was trying to get a quick photo of the two of us…but SuperGuy kept pestering me… :heart:

fun at the beach

I’m still going through and sorting and editing my photos. Got some great ones of the four lighthouses on the Outer Banks. I’ll be posting up some photos soon. Anyway

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, I’m glad to be back, not really… We should vacation more often!