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wine on the keyboard

Custom Cherry Countertop

by Kay~Kacey on 10/12/2012

Okay, more construction photos! The cherry countertop we had made for the kitchen island is finished. Isn’t the wood pretty?
cherry wood countertop

Actually, it was finished last week during the wedding craziness…so we had to make a quick run over to Columbia to deliver it. So, of course, to make it more complicated, SuperGuy rented a uhaul and brought over all his wood working equipment too. Because it appears we’re unable to ever do things the easy way.

cherry countertop for island

Longer story…SuperGuy was going to make this countertop, ’cause, you know–he loves doing wood working. Picked out the wood. The wood guy dried the wood in his kiln and by the time it was dry, it was too late for SuperGuy to have time to make it. So, we had it made by the wood guy. SuperGuy was pretty disappointed that he didn’t get to make it.

kitchen island with cherry counter

SuperGuy will have to put another few coats of finish on it, but it looks so great!

Next post will be all about the chandeliers!!! So excited!!

Forest Park Wedding Photos

by Kay~Kacey on 10/9/2012

Fabulous, fun, fantastic wedding! After the wedding, a trolley took the wedding party to Forest Park for photos. Such fun. Cold, but fun. Here are just a few shots from the trolley trip. I’ll post some of the silly family nonsense on Facebook later.

First up the beautiful bride. I know. Just beautiful, right?
Forest Park Muny wedding photo
This next one just cracked me up. They were laughing trying to get that perfect kiss photo.

Forest Park Wedding Photo

Oh, and I have to show you the back of her dress. Just so lovely…and seeing that ring on Michael’s hand makes me smile…
back of wedding dress

Of course we got a pointing photo!
trolley in Forest Park wedding photo

I think I did a good job staying out of the photographers’ way, while still managing to capture some great photos of the kids.

Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Love you guys. Hope you’re having a fabulous time in St. Thomas.

My Favorite Son’s Wedding

by Kay~Kacey on 10/6/2012

Today is the day! Michael and Lauren are getting married! Very excited.


Another female in the family! Yay!

Michael and Lauren, I wish you much happiness as you begin your journey together. Depend on each other. Support each other. Look on the bright side of things. Learn to laugh when life gets messed up. I love you both.