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wine on the keyboard

We’ve Moved In

by Kay~Kacey on 11/5/2012

Oh, my gosh. What a whirlwind couple of weeks! We’ve moved into the yet unnamed new house. I’m not sure how we got from almost finished to moved in…but we are…and I’m exhausted. I present…the new, unnamed house:

front of house

Isn’t she pretty??? :heart:  Look! No construction trucks in front of her! (notice SuperGuy did plant me some mums in the front there. I needed a bit of “feels like home” added to the front.)

Next is my terribly not a bit unpacked office. I can’t wait to dig in and sort and organize it. You know, after a bazillion other things that need to be finished. I swear…and remind me of this…I will NEVER move without professional movers again. Swear it.

messy office

Here is our kind of sparse great room. Need photos on the wall and I MUST go antiquing for a few more things, don’t you think?? (ignore the dog toys scattered everywhere and the xpen across the stairs to the lower level…we’re only giving the puppies so much freedom until they get used to the new house.) Oh, and yes, that is my kitchen table in the background…that will be another whole post…

great room

We don’t exactly have the window treatments figured out…. :hysterical:  We’re not going to have many, but I do want them on this side of our house where our bedroom is.

temporary curtains

Our lovely kitchen. SuperGuy has cooked about one hundred bazillion meals on his gas stove so far…


And the view out our bedroom window…with Murphy looking in trying to figure out where the heck he is and how does he get back inside 😉

out the picture window

More photos to come later this week…because I’m sure you all could care less are dying to know what happened at the rocks that SuperGuy was SO worried about where they should go…right???

Almost Finished-New Construction

by Kay~Kacey on 10/23/2012

Yay, we’re almost finished. See the new grass coming up? You can see where we stopped the first weekend, and where we planted the next time. I’m just excited to see the grass coming up!! It was so much work! I never want to see another bale of straw!
new grass coming up

The flooring is in. It is lock together vinyl flooring that looks like wood planks. I love it. Should be great for 5 boys, 2 dogs, and living off a gravel road, don’t you think? Here it is looking back towards our front door.
vinyl plank flooring

Here is the flooring up against my window seats in my breakfast nook.

vinyl flooring

Oh, a quick look at our master bathroom sinks and mirrors…and the faucets that I finally, finally decided on. Oh..wait…a beer. Oops. How did that get in this photo??

master bathroom new construction

And here is our beautiful fall view off the back deck. So pretty. So excited to move in!

fall view off deck

If everything goes as planned, we’ll be moving in this weekend. Not sure where we’ll get help, because it’s Mizzou’s homecoming so the boys will be busy…but, we’ll manage. Might wait and move heavy stuff next week when we can get boy helpers. Anyway…I’m sure they’ll be moving in photos to share soon!

Chandelier Paradise

by Kay~Kacey on 10/15/2012

Yes, the post about my beloved chandeliers. I’m sure my builder thinks I’m a bit nuts. I have them everywhere in the new house. So hard to pick them out but they are in now and I love them!

First up, my chandelier in my beloved teal office!

office chandelier

I know, just perfect, right? Here it is all lit up. Okay, it still have the covers on the shades, but you get the picture.

office chandelier

The next one is so cool. It’s over my bathtub!!

chandelier over bathtub

Here it is turned on. It throws such pretty patterns of light on the ceiling and walls.

bathroom chandelier

I also have a chandelier in my pantry…doesn’t everyone?? 😉

pantry chandelier

By the time they put up the pantry chandelier, I’m pretty sure they thought I was crazy…

pantry chandelier

While not technically what I’d call a chandelier…more of a hanging light…here is the fixture over our kitchen table. It has those clear edison bulbs in it that look like antique bulbs. They are 60 watt, but not very bright…so I’m not sure what we’ll do with that. Might try clear regular 60 watt bulbs and see if that helps. Love the look of the fixture, just not the light coming from it. Yes, that is a problem, right?

kitchen light

Liberal license here calling this a chandelier…but wanted to show off our ceiling fan light in our bedroom. Love, love the cut glass of the light fixture on it.

ceiling fan with cut glass

AND…the cut glass on the ceiling light fixture of the fan matches the cut glass on the chandelier in the stairway going down to the lower level.

stairway chandelier

I love and adore the stairway too. Isn’t it pretty with its spindles and big window? Okay, not all the spindles are in yet, but we’re getting there.

We’re looking at two more weeks before move in. Anyone want to come help pack up The Love Nest???