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wine on the keyboard

12:12:12 at 12:12

by Kay~Kacey on 12/12/2012

A bunch of my photographer buddies got together and decided to take a photo of what we were doing at twelve minutes after twelve today…so 12/12/12 at 12:12 pm. What fun. I was just biting into one of my favorite comfort snacks…grahammies and milk. Yum

cookies and milk at 12:12:12 at 12:12

and, for good measure, I grabbed a selfie of myself for posterity….also at 12:12 pm on 12/12/2012. I had just rushed in from errands.  Made it back home just in time for grabbing these photos.

self portrait

Happy 12:12:12:12:12 to all of you.

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House Decorating-The Barstool Edition

by Kay~Kacey on 12/10/2012

So I’ve been looking for barstools for the kitchen island since we decided to put in this gorgeous cherry countertop island. Last weekend we were down at Lake of the Ozarks

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, closing up my parents’ lakehouse. (because, you know…the air conditioner was still turned on and we figured it just might be time for the heat to be on…). Anyway, I digress. We were going to stop by the outlet mall, but on the way back to Columbia I saw a sign about biggest barstool selection in the world (or some variety of that.) SuperGuy…being a good sport, turned the car around and we went in the barstool store. (who knew there were barstool stores…)

Anyway, we found these fabulous barstools.

barstools with coffee cutout

I love and adore them and they fit right in.

barstools at kitchen island

Aren’t they cute?

oil rubbed bronze barstools

Love the little coffee cup cut out on the backs. They are SO comfortable too!

barstools at kitchen island

I love it when we find something that is just perfect…and we both agree it’s perfect! So

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, now I can check barstools off of my decorating checklist. Though I have a mile long list left! Man, I love my kitchen. I think it’s my favorite part of the new house!

Naughty Bad Puppies

by Kay~Kacey on 11/26/2012

I love these puppies…honestly, I do…

cavalier puppies

They love the new house and love to run around outside…and, well…they run around inside too. Sometimes in less than a nano second…they destroy…

puppy ate the wall
Why, yes, they decided to eat the wall in the stairway. I mean they have NEVER eaten our walls before…so who knew to watch out for that???

And…for the record…they have never, ever, ever shown any interest in eating our carpet either…

puppy ate the carpet

So annoyed at them…and why did they wait to do this in the NEW house??? Argh.

cavalier puppies playing

It’s a good thing they are so cute…and we have a lot of penned off, gated off, doors shut areas in the new house now…