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wine on the keyboard

Back from Vacation

by Kay~Kacey on 2/27/2013

Ah, yes. Back to the real world. We did a quick trip to New Orleans, then a 5 day cruise. Fabulous time. Great weather. Lots of sitting in the sun and reading. Came back to really lots of snow. ™. And then more snow. Sigh. Where is spring?

My favorite son

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, Timmy, was watching the puppies. When Mizzou could just not get their act together and cancel classes until after there was already too much snow…Timmy got stuck halfway home to our house. Some nice lady picked him up and drove him partway…but he ended up walking the rest of the way to our house in his topsiders with bags over them, his Stadium Grill waiter apron tied around his face, and no hat or gloves…TWO MILES.  Anyway, he is now my favorite and I think he might even have unfrozen by now. I’ve pretty much not forgiven his finance prof for refusing to cancel the test they had that day so all these kids were out on the roads…and a ton…like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds had to abandon their cars.

We got home, shoveled out the driveway and rescued him. SuperGuy got to play with his tractor so all is right in his world.

Anyway, stuck inside during the snow storm, I had some time to play with my New Orleans photos. Want to see?? This is my favorite. Bourbon Street early morning.

bourbon street

Bourbon Street Print for Sale

Here is the train crossing in front of Riverwalk.  We walked and walked along the river. A good time.
train at riverwalk

I just love this big old marine cleats on the Mississippi River. We sat and watched the barges to up and down the river. Such fun.marine cleat on Mississippi river

I put some more images up on my Kay Pickens Fine Art Site if you want to see them. I’ll be adding to the New Orleans Gallery as I have time to edit more of the photos. I haven’t even looked at SuperGuys photos that he took. So many photos, so little time…But it was fabulous to get out of the cold for a week!

I think I’ll just go and watch out the window for the snow to melt and spring to come…

French Quarter Photos for Sale

Happy Valentine’s Day

by Kay~Kacey on 2/14/2013

Am I the only one who goes out and buys perfectly decorated valentine’s cookies so I could do some nice still life set ups? :hysterical:

heart cookies and flowers in mason jar

Two Hearts Fine Art Print Available for Sale

Thought these heart cookies went well with the antique plate from my grandmother

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, and cute tea towel I found when I was antiquing, and, of course, some flowers in a mason jar. Because I love all things mason jar.

SuperGuy is getting nothing for Valentine’s Day, because, you know, he got that John Deere tractor…which as I told him, is his gift for Christmas, birthday, anniversary, valentine’s, father’s day…etc. I might repeat it for next year to 😉

Happy Valentine’s to you and yours. Hope you have a good one!

More Decorating the House

by Kay~Kacey on 2/11/2013

Finally had a bit of time to do some more decorating of the new house. We usually call it just “the nest”…but haven’t named it officially yet. Are we the only ones who name their homes? Anyway…a few photos of what I’ve done.

On top of the china cabinet that I got for my food photography props , I put a fine art print of my beloved lilac that finally bloomed last year, along with a milk glass lamp and antique cameras. Makes me smile every time I look at it.

antique milk glass lamp and cameras

We finally hung our series of drink photos that we had over at The Love Nest. Same drink photos, same order, over the same bar 😉

drink fine art photos

In the stairwell I put my series of photos of Michael and Lauren, along with a photo of my folks and a vase of corks and a few other knick knacks.

stairway photos

A print wrap of Matthew and Steph from their wedding. Haven’t ordered prints from Michael’s wedding yet. I’m planning on getting a 10 x 20 of them to put up side by side with this one.

chandler hill wedding photo

Some of my portrait work I put up above my closet in my office…we’ll see if they stay up there or fall down…


I got a few of my fine art prints printed and placed them around the house too. This one is available on my fine art artist website.

fine art work

I also printed this cardinal in the snow photo which I love…and it has some of my teal tones in it too! Win, win. Of course I have a mason jar on my mantel. I have mason jars tucked all over our home. I love them.

cardinal photo and mason jar

I found this antique tea cart for my office and put some of my grandmother’s china on it along with that pretty pink flower print.

fine art photograph and antique china

I use the tea cart for some of my set ups when I’m doing still life shots. It’s so easy to move around to wherever the light is good in the house at the time.


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, there you have it.  A quick tour of some of my recent decorating exploits. More to come, I’m sure.