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wine on the keyboard

A Walk Around the Farm

by Kay~Kacey on 3/18/2013

So I decided to get outside and walk around the farm in Columbia to see what all has survived the winter. Sorry, this is very picture heavy!

It was very muddy…

mud boots in Columbia MO from Tractor Supply

Love my pretty

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, funky, dotted mud boots. From Tractor Supply. On sale AND comfortable!

Then I walked out to our lot line.
lot line of our property in Columbia Missouri

I saw a bluebird on the lot line marker while I was out there. Unfortunately if flew off to the phone wire, and I didn’t have my long lens with me. But my first bluebird!! Very happy.

This muddy mess is where our square foot garden is going to be. I hope we get it all put together and fenced in for some spring planting…

garden plot for square foot gardening

We planted 5 bradford pear trees last fall. Here is the one near the house. I know Columbia thinks they are horrible scrub trees, but I just love, love them.
bradford pear early spring Columbia MO

Okay, showing off my mud boots again. With the cow the boys got us in the background by my beloved red front door. Which, btw, I think I’m going to ask SuperGuy to put up a screendoor on it. It just seems so country that way. Also, we need the cross breeze!
mud boots


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, and did I tell you? I learned to drive the John Deere tractor! Go me. Starring my mud boots again…maybe this post should have been titled “Ode to my Mud Boots”. 8)
john deere tractor

We had deer grazing in the yard just before sunset. The dogs started barking like crazy at them. The deer just looked up and then kept grazing…
deer in yard in Columbia MO

Then we sat in our normal happy hour spot…putting the barstools in the windows and watching the sunset. Oh, and we might have had a drink. Or two.
celebrating the end of the day

Then the sun set in a burst of flair for me.
sunset with sun flair in Columbia MO with elm tree silhouette

My day. The end.

Stadium Grill – Columbia MO

by Kay~Kacey on 3/14/2013

Met my favorite son at Stadium Grill in Columbia for lunch the other day.

Stadium Grill Columbia Mo Bar and GrillLove to eat there. I’m rather addicted to the Tiger Tails (chicken tenders) in thai sauce. Yum. (We bring the extras home to make chicken

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, bacon, ranch pizza-I need to put that recipe up here on the blog.) Anyway…Stadium Grill has  COLD beer. Great sandwiches. Salads. Or try their Hurdle Burger. Yum. Trust me.

My favorite son happens to be my favorite waiter there…here he is giving me the “another photo , really, Mom??” look.

best waiter ever at Stadium Grill

Timmy’s roommate joined us too. At least he didn’t give me the “really, Mom?” look!
Timmy's Roommate

Part of the reason for lunch was proof of life for my sister. My nephew is a pledge at a frat at Mizzou. He. Is. Tired.
frat pledge

But he rallied when the food came. Nothing like a free meal to perk up a male!


Anyway, I had a fabulous time. You should try out Stadium Grill next time you’re in Columbia. At the south west corner of Stadium and College Ave.

Life Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This

by Kay~Kacey on 3/7/2013

Seriously, can life get any better for a male??

What is Murphy staring at???

cavalier king charles

SuperGuy’s dream come true. A snowy driveway and a new tractor!

lots of snow John Deere Tractor

Life doesn’t get much better than this for a male. It was a bit of a learning curve for him…but he’s getting better about the whole snow removal thing. But I’d really like the snow to be all over for the winter…

plowing the driveway

He looks like a little kid at Christmas playing with his toy…

john deere subcompact tractor

His loyal subjects wait with rapt attention to his every move.

cavalier king charles spaniel

Who knew a tractor could provide so much entertainment to so many??

black and tan cavalier king charles

Just a perfect day 😉

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